About Me.

I am Glen, a software developer from Papua New Guinea. I use this digital commonplace on the internet to express what I have captured, organised and distilled. I love building things and have a long list of abandoned side projects and some stale piles of code that I hope to keep adding to.

The projects page highlights samples of my work. Read tutorials and other stuffs on the articles page.

This website is free from ads, affiliate links, tracking or analytics, sponsored posts and paywalls. My sole motivation for creating and maintaining this site is to share my knowledge and express my ideas with the world. The open-sourced code for this website is available on github 👉🏽 Link.

I see my contribution as a small step towards making the internet a better place for everyone, and I hope to inspire others to unleash their creativity and make their own positive impact.

If you spot an error, or have any comments, suggestions or questions about what I've written or if you basically want to say hi to me, shoot an email to gghayoge at gmail.com

What I'm doing now

Current Projects

  • Wantoea : Small business management FOSS

  • Fyntree: Farmers & Artisans Marketplace

  • RaitStart: Small Business Resources Tools & Guides for PNG


  • The Girl with No Name-An Incredible Story of a Child Raised by Monkeys by Marina Chapman

  • A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

  • Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity by Jamshid Gharajedaghi


  • Flutter/Dart


  • 📺 Not Seriously watching movies at the moment
My Dev Tools



  • Coding Computer: Apple Macbook Pro M2 13" 2022

  • Headphone: Logitec

  • Desktop: Apple iMac / Dell AIO

Reach out to me

Channels you can use to reach out to me


Software Developer, Designer & Creator

Tech Skills and Competencies

Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Flutter, Tailwind, Bulma, Bootstrap, NodeJs, ReactJS, Angular, Expo, NextJS, Astro, Django, MongoDB, Flask, Superbase, Vite, AWS, Serverless Infrastructures, PostGreSQL, SQL, Firebase, Redis, GCP, Git, Github, Github Actions, Docker and everything else in between 🚀

Bottom Background Design


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© GlenH.me Contents from 2018 - 2024. Open Source