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Here's a digest of a perpetual work in progress

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Recent Articles

Read articles, guides,tutorials and lots more.

How to create scroll links to navigate to specific sections of a NextJS app

A short tutorial on how to create scroll links to navigate to specific sections of a nextjs app

5 SOLID Principles of Object Oriented Design-A Summary

A summary of 5 SOLID Principles of Object Oriented Design

Spartan UI for Angular Developers

Exploring Spartan UI for Angular Developers

Viewing Database and Schema in Django SQLite3 Database

In Django, `db.sqlite3` is the default SQLite database file that is created when you initiate a new Django project. SQLite is a lightweight, serverless, self-contained, and transactional SQL database engine.

Some Projects

Selected open-source and proprietary projects I crafted Website

The source code of this website.

Dzagoo Website

A business website.

FPDA Website

New FPDA's Website.

Learning Resources

Selected books, blogs, videos and other learning resources for software development and self-improvement.


Hi, my name is Glen. I am a software developer, designer & creator from Papua New Guinea. I work in the nexus of the tech & rural development. This is my tiny space on the internet where I document & share snippets of my perpertual learning & self improvement journey.

My Github Heatmap


Tech Skills and Competencies

Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Flutter, Tailwind, Bulma, Bootstrap, NodeJs, ReactJS, Angular, Expo, NextJS, Astro, Django, MongoDB, Flask, Superbase, Vite, AWS, Serverless Infrastructures, PostGreSQL, SQL, Firebase, Redis, GCP, Git, Github, Github Actions, Docker and everything else in between 🚀

“Really good software is never finished; it continues to grow. If it doesn’t grow, it decays.”
— Melinda Varian, Software Engineer



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