How to create scroll links to navigate to specific sections of a NextJS app

A short tutorial on how to create scroll links to navigate to specific sections of a nextjs app

Mar 24, 2024code
A computer screen with a program running on it PC: Rahul Mishra, Unsplash


In this short tutorial we'll learn how to create links that smoothly scroll to specific sections of a NextJS web page when clicked. At the time of writing I am using Next.js version 14.1.4 but other versions should work as well.

What to do?

Firstly define a reusable React component. I named it ScrollLink in this example.

// components/ScrollLink.jsx

The links in this component will enable the users to scroll smoothly to a specified section of a webpage when clicked.

Code for the component

Code for the ScrollLink component:

// components/ScrollLink.jsx

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

import Link from 'next/link';

function ScrollLink({ id, children }) {

const handleClick = (e) => {


const element = document.getElementById(id);

if (element) {

element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });


return (

<Link href={`#${id}`} passHref>

<div onClick={handleClick}>{children}</div>




export default ScrollLink;

Code breakdown

Here's a breakdown of what each part of the code does:

  1. Import Statements:

    • useState and useEffect are imported from the React library. They are React hooks used for managing state and performing side effects in functional components.
    • Link is imported from the next/link module. It is used in Next.js for client-side navigation.
  2. Function Definition:

    • ScrollLink is a functional component that takes two props: id and children.
    • id is the ID of the element to which the link should scroll.
    • children represents the content of the link.
  3. handleClick Function:

    • This function is called when the link is clicked.
    • It prevents the default behavior of the link (navigating to a new page).
    • It retrieves the DOM element with the specified id.
    • If the element exists, it scrolls to it smoothly using scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }).
  4. Return Statement:

    • The component returns a Link component from Next.js wrapped around a div.
    • The href attribute of the Link component is set to #${id}, which means clicking the link will navigate to the element with the specified id within the same page.
    • passHref is used to pass the href prop to the underlying a tag.
    • The onClick event of the div is set to the handleClick function.
    • The content of the link (children) is rendered inside the div.
  5. Export Statement:

    • The ScrollLink component is exported as the default export of the module, making it available for use in other parts of the application.

Implementation Example

Make sure the target elements - sections or divs - have an ID attribute set to them properly

Let say we want to navigate to the contacts section:

<section id='contacts'>
  1. Import the ScrollLink reusable component at the top of your navigation component:
import ScrollLink from './ScrollLink';
  1. Call the ScrollLink component and set your id property as contacts and the child text as Contacts in your navigation component:
import ScrollLink from './ScrollLink';

const Navbar = () => {
return (
<ScrollLink id="contacts">Contacts</ScrollLink>

export default Navbar;

Implementing the above code correctly will enhancing the user experience of navigating within a single-page application.

References & Additional Resources

Inspiration for this article came from a Stackoverflow post below:

NextJs - Link to scroll to a section in same page

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GlenH - Mar 24, 2024gghayoge at

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