
Setting Up Analog-Useful steps and commands

Setting Up Analog-Useful steps and commands


Analog is a fullstack meta-framework for building applications and websites with Angular.

Similar to other meta-frameworks such as Next.JS, Nuxt, SvelteKit, Qwik City, and others, Analog provides a similar experience, building on top of Angular.


Creating a New Application

To create a new Analog project, you can use the create-analog package with your package manager of choice:

npm create analog@latest
yarn create analog
pnpm create analog

Serving the application

To start the development server for the application, run the start command.

npm run start
yarn start
pnpm start

Visit http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the running application.

Crafted by GlenH with 🔥 using  React     NextJS,     MDX, Tailwind CSS     & ContentLayer. Hosted on Netlify  

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